I cannot believe how quickly 2024 went by. So many changes within the last few months for our family as we moved from Florida back to Texas. There was a point where we didn’t know where we were going to end up and had to live in an Airbnb for a couple of months! Thankfully, everything worked out and we’re finally in our new home and ready to start 2025.
As our kids get older, I can only imagine that life will continue to speed up, but I’m excited for all of the adventures that are in store for our family and yours! Wishing you all the best for 2025!
The night before Christmas gift tradition is one that is popular in many homes. These “Night Before Christmas” gift tags will help you remember which gifts can be open before Christmas!
Growing up, my parents let us chose one gift we could open the night before Christmas. I loved this tradition and I’m glad it was something my husband’s family did as well. Their tradition was the “Night Before Christmas” pajamas, and we’ve stuck with that since we’ve been married. I love it and it’s something my kids look forward to every Christmas. We’ve done matching pajamas, themed pajamas, cozy pajamas, you name it! While they may know that they’re going to be opening a set of pajamas the night before Christmas, there’s still an element of surprise, and it’s one more sleep until Christmas!
If you ever have the problem of misplacing those gifts under the tree or forget which gifts are supposed to be open the day before, these gift tags are the perfect solution! Simply cut out the printable, and tape them onto the gift, or use a hole puncher at the top of the tag and tie it with ribbon. These will be a life saver when you’re searching for those gifts the night before!
In case your friends and family need a little reminder, these “No Peeking” gift tags are a fun little add on to your Christmas presents.
When my kids see the presents starting to pile up under the Christmas tree, they want to poke around and count the number of presents there are. Sometimes, they’ll even try to shake their gift and try to guess what it is. While this is pretty typical of my kids (if not all kids), it is definitely tempting for them to want to open a present now. They are definitely old enough to resist the urge at this point, but seeing their excitement is so much fun and I can’t wait to see their faces on Christmas day!
While many of us already know that we have to wait until Christmas to open up our gifts, adding these fun “No Peeking” gift tags add a little silliness to your presents. You can add just the “No Peeking” gift tag by itself, or pair it with the “Special Delivery” tag to add a whimsical touch to your presents.
Print these off easily at home on some cardstock and you’ve got yourself a fun set of gift cards your friends and family will adore!
Tis the season for gift giving! Whether you’re making a homemade treat or needing to put together a quick gift, these gift tags will help take your simple and delicious treats to the next level.
Our family, as many others, loves the tradition of making cookies and sharing them with friends and family. We have our go-to recipes, but my favorite thing to do is try a new Christmas cookie recipe each year. You will definitely see us whipping out our stretchy pants as we snack on sweet treats this holiday season! If you’re putting together a plate of cookies to share, make sure to grab some festive ribbon and add these cute cookie gift tags!
Or, if you want to pass out cookies individually, grab these 4″x6″ cellophane bags, and print out the cookie tags template on 3″ Avery Circle Labels. I love how the individual cookies look like they’re really from the North Pole!
My kids always want to give gifts to their friends, and while I love that they’re fully into the spirit of giving, it might break our bank if our 3 kids pass out a gift to all of their friends. What we’ve come up with is a simple and fun bag of treats. We usually stick a couple of hot chocolate packets, candy canes and small Christmas candy’s in a bag and tie it with a bow. Add this hot chocolate tag to your bag and you’ve got the perfect gift! Plus, hot chocolate and cookies pair perfectly together.
These make great gifts for teachers, friends, co-workers and neighbors! It’s easy and fun to put together and the person receiving these sweet treats will love the thought put into them. Hope you have an wonderful holiday season!
Soap can be a perfect gift for friends, neighbors and teachers! Add these Christmas Hand Soap printable gift tags to make it extra special!
If you know me, you know that I have a crazy obsession with Bath & Body Works! If you shop their sales, you always feel like you’ve shopped your way into a good deal. With the holidays quickly approaching, one of my favorite gifts to give is their Bath & Body Works soaps. Whenever there’s a deal on their soaps (which happens at least twice a month), I always try to snag a few more knowing that I’ll be gifting them down the road.
While their soaps already have cute designs that go with the seasons, I wanted to create a gift tag to tie around to give it a little extra “pizazz.” Print on cardstock, tie with a cute ribbon and you’ve created a thoughtful little gift!
This year has been a crazy one! It started with my husband getting a new job and needing to start work in Florida for the first 6 months of the year while the kids and I stayed behind to finish out the school year. The beginning of the year had its many challenges, and I’m glad that part of the year is done. The rest of us finally made it to Florida in July and it’s definitely been a big change for all of us! We loved living in Texas, but my husband and I apparently like adventures since we never stay in the same place for very long. 2023 has definitely had it’s ups and downs, but I’m hoping 2024 will be a better one as we learn the area and adjust to the new life in our new home.
This year, I’m getting the 2024 calendar up a couple months sooner than I did for the 2023 calendar (sorry about that!!). As we wrap up 2023, I’m grateful for the adventures, challenges and new opportunities that happened this year. I’m looking forward to 2024 and hope that you have a wonderful holiday season!
We’ve reached the busy season, and that typically means lots of parties and get togethers to celebrate the holidays. I love this time of year (like most of you) and there’s usually a lot that goes into getting ready for a party. Coming up with the food menu, activities, decorations, etc.
One of my favorite things at a party are the photo booths! I love that there are so many fun ideas to create a cute back drop and capture a moment from the party. If you’re having a photo booth, you’re definitely going to need some props! These props are the perfect addition to your Fall photo booth and you can make them at home!
These are easy to put together and add a little fun and silliness to your pictures! Who doesn’t love that? Here is what you’ll need to put these together:
Another year has come and gone, and I swear it felt like 2022 went by faster than any of the other years. This past year was the most we’ve ever traveled as a family. We visited Tennessee twice, went back home to California to visit family, and enjoyed a Christmas vacation in Costa Rica! I’m sure all the traveling helped make it feel like the year flew by in a flash.
Our kids certainly kept us busy on top of that! With the many different sports and hobbies they’re interested in, it made the weeks go by fast. Don’t get me wrong, there were weeks that dragged on and on, but for the most part, we kept ourselves busy chauffeuring our kids everywhere. Anybody else in the same boat?
With all that’s been happening last year, I was slow in getting the 2023 calendar out! I know that many of you use this to plan out your year and I’m so glad you keep coming back to get the new year’s calendar. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and safe 2023!
There’s less than 2 months until Halloween, can you believe it? We’re so excited to dress up and stuff our faces with Halloween candy. Since we’re quickly approaching Halloween season, that means (for some of us) party season!
Halloween parties are one of my favorites. It’s so fun to see friends and family dress up, especially the DIY costumes. My SIL flawlessly puts together her daughters halloween costumes pretty much every year and she pulls them off with such ease! They look amazing and I’m always so impressed.
When our oldest was born, we started to dress up as a family and we kept the tradition alive for a while. A few years ago, we made Harry Potter costumes, and I enlisted the help of my MIL to help make the robes for the 3 of them, among a few other things. That was the last year our kids ever dressed up in themed costumes, but it was one of my favorites!
If you’re planning a Halloween party this year, here’s a free invitation you can use to send to your friends/family! Either print out with the pdf and fill in the even details, or send out a digital version of it that you can edit yourself! Both options are simple and easy to use.
One of my favorite small gifts to give, especially during the holidays, is hand soap. We were just walking through TJ Maxx the other day and found all of these adorable Halloween hand soaps shaped in pumpkins & ghosts. It’s the perfect little gift to give individually or add in a “You’ve Been Booed” gift basket.
Adding these Halloween Hand Soap Gift Tags helps make this small gift even more fun to receive. Simply print out the gift tags on cardstock and add some cute Halloween Ribbon and you’ve got yourself the perfect little gift!
These gift tags pictured fit perfectly with any Bath and Body works soap, but work great with any soap bottle.