May 2017 Desktop Calendar

May Desktop Calendar Download

Washington was nothing but rain in April – apparently we’ve hit a record of the most rain that the state has had in a long time, so I’m so glad it’s finally May! I’m looking forward to less rain and nice, warm, sunny days (hopefully to come soon!) I’m also looking forward to (and a little nervous about) school coming to an end! Hopefully the kiddos and I will have some lazy mornings, fun adventures, and some fun in the sun. Now, the only problem with school being out is having all 3 of the kids at home…. dun dun dun.

Anyway, here is another monthly Desktop Calendar for you to add some style to your computer! Hope you’re all getting some sunshine in your area. 🙂

May Desktop Calendar 2017

Grab your May 2017 Desktop Calendar Here!

Looking for a printable calendar for 2017? Grab yours here!

Check out the 2017 Yearly Calendar in this style in the shop!

April 2017 Desktop Calendar

April Desktop Calendar

There are times where I am stuck and can not come up with something to design or just can’t think up what I’m going to do next. I recently received an e-mail from a reader asking if I would do a wallpaper calendar or quote for computers. This was such a great idea, I was so excited to start creating and ended up turning it into a calendar and a quote. I plan on having new designs every month, and will do my best to get a new design out a couple days before the month ends, so make sure you check back for next month’s!

I’m always looking for new ideas, so if you don’t see something on my blog that you’re looking for, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do!

Monthly April Desktop Calendar 2017

Grab your April Desktop Calendar HERE!

Looking for a printable calendar for 2017? Grab yours here!

Weekly Planner Printable


With my eldest in school, I’ve been trying to keep up with all the events he has going on at school and his after school activities – this kid is only 5 mind you. Plus trying to stay on track (as best I can with a 3 month old) with everything else that’s going on at home. So, I’ve made these Weekly Planners to help me keep up with all the craziness, and the best part, they go perfectly with the 2017 Calendar!

This planner is perfect for just about anything, whether it be trying to maintain your hectic schedule, or planning weekly meals, this planner has got you covered! Grab yours now and let it help you manage some organization in your life. 🙂

Weekly Planner Printable – download here

Also check out the Printable Goal Setting Worksheet



2017 Printable Calendar


It has taken me longer to finish this than I would’ve liked but we added a new member to our family at the end of July! I am no longer the only girl in the house and we have been loving our time with our baby girl, Riley.


It has been a busy last couple months, but with our oldest in an all day Kindergarten, I’m finally finding some time (as long as baby allows) to get some of my projects and printables done!

So without further ado, here is the 2017 calendar!


2017 Printable Calendar  – download here

2017 Printable Calendar Landscape in two parts – download here & here

I love that so many of you have enjoyed using these calendars the last two years, and I’d love to see and hear how you use them on Instagram! Follow me on @shortstopdesigns and tag me, and follow me on Facebook to get updates on the latest printables!

Grab the matching Weekly Planner!

Grab the 2018 Printable Calendar!

Add some style to your desktop with these Monthly Desktop Calendars!

Got a New Year’s Resolution? Check out the Printable Goal Planning Worksheet!


Daily Boutique Deals






2016 Calendar Printable


I have received many requests over the summer for a 2016 calendar printable, and I am finally ready to share next year’s calendar. I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone and in 4 short month’s we’ll already be bringing in another year!

We are excited to be spending the next year in Washington… JD cannot contain himself with his excitement about the big move. Just the other day, someone said “hi” to him and asked him how he was doing. He proceeded to tell him his current situation of how his Dad is gone (for military training), and that we’ll be moving to Washington soon. The kid has no filter and will pretty much tell you his life story.


The 2015 Calendar Printable has been a huge hit and I’m so glad so many of you have downloaded your printable and love it. For the 2016 Calendar, I have created a few new designs that I hope you’ll like! I wanted to keep the same feel of the last calendar, but with a few new fun and fresh designs to help keep you somewhat calm during some of your busiest months. You’re going to have fun staying organized with this cute 2016 Calendar!

*UPDATE* I’ve also included a landscape version of the printable! The only problem, I somehow could not squeeze the entire year onto my document, so it’s been split up into two downloads. So don’t forget to download both parts for the Landscape version only!


Grab your 2016 Calendar Printable here.

Landscape download here & here.

Grab the 2017 Calendar here!