Editable Job Chart


If you have a child that’s always wanting to buy something new, or wanting to make some money, this Printable Job Chart is one of the best ways to help your child keep track of the jobs they need to do in order to earn some money.

This past Christmas, my son had the opportunity to buy gifts for members of our family at school. My husband and I both agreed that if he wanted to buy gifts for everyone, he needed to learn the value of earning money and what it was like to spend his own money. He was totally for it, and we all agreed on what jobs he could do around the house and how much each would be worth. In order for him to keep track of what job he was doing and how much he was earning, I came up with this Job chart.

He loved it! Whenever he completed a chore, he marked it off in the box and would look at his chart to see what he could do next. During the week he would add up the boxes and see how much he had made so far and if he needed to make more money by doing more chores. At the end of the week he counted all his boxes and how much he made, and put it in the box under the date. It was great for me because I didn’t have to make sure I had money on the spot after he completed a chore, or make sure I always had quarters or dollar bills. Once the end of the week was completed, I’d go out and get him the money he earned.

What’s great about this printable, is you can actually edit the chores each week on the file before you print it off. In order to keep the same look as the chart above, download the font Moon Flower Bold. You can also use this Job Chart as a way for your kids to earn screen/game time. This is a great way to help your kids get started and learn the value of earning money.


Download Editable Job Chart

Download Font: Moon Flower Bold


Santa + Reindeer Gift Tag – Kids Crafts

Santa and Reindeer Gift Tags Kids Crafts

My kids love to do whatever they can to help with the holidays. They love to decorate the tree, make cookies, and any other holiday craft we can find or come up with. I thought it would be fun for them to make some gift tags to put on presents for their teachers and our family.

I love that my kids had fun putting these together and how cute they look on the Christmas gifts! The best part, they don’t have to be perfect and they still look pretty cute.

Here’s what you’ll need:

If you don’t have a Cricut, I also have a printable file that you can print onto your cardstock and cut out the pieces.

Santa + Reindeer Gift Tag Tutorial

For the Santa Gift Tag:

Santa Gift Tag Tutorial

First glue on the beard onto Santa’s face and then your mustache.

Santa Gift Tag

Next, glue on the red hat, then the remaining two white parts of his hat.

Santa Kids Craft Gift TagGift Tag Santa

Add some googly eyes or use a black marker for the eyes to complete the look of Santa.

For the Reindeer Gift Tag:

Gift Tag Reindeer

Glue your antlers onto the brown gift tag, making sure some of the antlers are coming off the tag like pictured above.

Reindeer Gift Tag

Add your googly eyes with modge podge or hot glue (which ever sticks better onto the paper. I had success with both, but sometimes the modge podge wasn’t sticking).

Reindeer Gift Tag Tutorial

Hot glue your reindeer nose onto the gift tag.

Santa and Reindeer Gift Tags

Hole punch your gift tags at the top, add some string, and you’re gift tags are all done!


Santa Letter Printable


I’ve been wanting to make a Santa Letter Printable for a while, and my kids were so excited when I was finally done. They’ve been anxiously waiting to write Santa a letter and send it in the mail.

When I was helping my 3 year write his letter, I asked if he had been naughty or nice this year, and his first response was “Naughty.” It made me laugh, and he recognized that he definitely had some rough patches this year, but it was perfect to go over the things he was trying to improve on this year.

These letters are the perfect way to get your kids excited about Christmas and let Santa know what they’re wishing for this year. It’s super easy to put together and you don’t need an envelope since it’s a tri-fold letter!

Santa Letter

First you’ll need to print out the letter on both sides and trim it down.

Santa Letter Printable

Fold the letter twice so that the opening of the letter looks like the picture above.

Dear Santa Letter Printable

And the “to” and “from” side look like this.

Place a stamp on your card and they’re ready to send it off to Santa!

Download the Santa Letter Printable