Reading is so important in your child’s lives and this Summer Reading Log + Punch Card Printable is the perfect way to keep your kids motivated with reading this summer. Reward them once they’ve completed a punch card, and have them record which books they’ve read and which ones have been their favorite to read.

During the summer, all my kids want to do is play video games and go on their iPad. They were definitely encouraged to do other things before they could use their electronics last year, but they always needed help coming up with things to do, it kind of drove me nuts. This summer, I’m going to help motivate them to read in a fun way with this Summer Reading Log + Punch Card Printable.
If your kids do not enjoy reading, or need something else to do instead of playing video games, this will be a huge help! Use the reading log to help your child remember their favorite books by coloring in stars in the rating column. Depending on your child’s age, you can either have them read for a certain amount of time during the day, like 20 mins, before they get a hole in their punch card, or base it on the number of books they’ve read.

The punch cards can also be used as a bookmark for those older readers.
Before you begin, you should each agree on a prize together. Some ideas could include:
- King sized candy bar
- New toy
- A special outing to a museum, Chuck E. Cheese, etc.
- Going to the movies
- New book
- New game
- Root Beer Float Night
- S’mores Night
Whatever inspires you’re kids and something you don’t do very often.

For those young readers who don’t enjoy reading, we’ve found that letting our kids pick their books, even if they are silly ones like Captain Underpants and Dog Man, have helped encourage our kids to read more. My kids also like reading books that have been made into movies and like comparing the two together. It might even be fun to create a fort (if you don’t already have one) where the kids have a designated space to read where it is comfy and cozy.
There are 2 different punch cards, one has 14 dots and the other has 10 dots to hopefully accommodate everyone’s needs.
Reading is great and I hope that you’re able to motivate your kids to read this summer!

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Need more ideas to stay busy this summer? Try the Summer Bingo Challenge