I’m know we’re not the only ones, but it has always been a tradition in my home for each kid to open up one gift on Christmas Eve, our choice. It was so fun, and made it that much more exciting to see what was left under our tree the next morning. My husband’s family also got to open one gift before Christmas, but they were always pajamas. When I joined their family, I loved the idea that you would be getting a new set of pajamas each year (or every other year – that’s how we’ve worked out Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families).
While still carrying on my families tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve, I’ve converted to my husbands family tradition with making it a new set of pajamas each year for my kids. In order to figure out which gift our kids get to open the night before Christmas, I’ve made these gift tags to make it easier to find. You will no longer need to make extra notes on your gift tags reminding you to “OPEN ME ON CHRISTMAS EVE,” buy an extra roll of wrapping paper to determine which ones are the “night before Christmas” gifts (unless you enjoy doing that which isn’t a bad idea) or set them aside in another room until it’s time open.
Download your gift tags HERE
I’d love to see how you decorate your gifts using these gift tags on Instagram or Facebook! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!