We have a couple things to look forward to this summer. First and most importantly, school is almost out! The next big thing on our list is our family vacation to Hawaii, and let me tell ya, we are pretty excited about it. My 3 year old will do the hula dance and it is hilarious, I can’t wait for him to see the real thing! With Hawaii on our minds, I came up with this fun Pineapple Countdown. It’s the perfect way for all of us to see how many days we have left, and a great way to help our 3 year old learn to count (and get his numbers in the correct order).
Everything is easy to put together, the only party I had trouble with was the pineapple tops. I don’t know about your freehand cutting skills but my pineapple tops were garbage. So I made it easier on myself (and for you) with a printable that you can print on green construction paper and you can cut out as many as you need.

Here’s what you’ll need:
Green, Yellow & White Construction Paper
Pineapple Top Printable – (Print on Green Construction Paper)

Get everything cut out and ready to go. I cut my strips about 1″-1.5″ thick, and cut it horizontally so I had more strips from one piece of paper.

Stick two pieces of tape onto the back of a pineapple top, as pictured above. This doesn’t have to be fancy, since you’ll be taking off the loops as you countdown your days.

Place the pineapple top onto the middle of a green strip of paper, and then form a circle and hold it together with a piece of tape.

Add another “chain” to the green strip by placing the yellow strip of paper through the green strip and holding it together with tape. Then add another yellow strip as pictured above. Your pineapple top may look like it’s going to move all over the place, but I promise once it’s hanging, you can adjust it the way you like and it will stay!

Then add a white strip of paper after the yellow loop and continue the pattern again. It should look like the picture above.

Keep on adding loops until you’ve reached the desired length of your countdown. These are also great for party decorations! I love how these turned out. My husband told me these cracked him up, but I think it got him pretty excited about our upcoming vacation!

What are you counting down for? Share yours on Instagram or Facebook!