I’ve been wanting to make a Santa Letter Printable for a while, and my kids were so excited when I was finally done. They’ve been anxiously waiting to write Santa a letter and send it in the mail.
When I was helping my 3 year write his letter, I asked if he had been naughty or nice this year, and his first response was “Naughty.” It made me laugh, and he recognized that he definitely had some rough patches this year, but it was perfect to go over the things he was trying to improve on this year.
These letters are the perfect way to get your kids excited about Christmas and let Santa know what they’re wishing for this year. It’s super easy to put together and you don’t need an envelope since it’s a tri-fold letter!
First you’ll need to print out the letter on both sides and trim it down.
Fold the letter twice so that the opening of the letter looks like the picture above.
And the “to” and “from” side look like this.
Place a stamp on your card and they’re ready to send it off to Santa!
Download the Santa Letter Printable