November Wallpaper + Printables


I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! My kids got tons and tons of candy from the weekend and last night’s trick or treating, and looks like we’ll have enough to last us until next Halloween. Now I am ready for a new holiday!

I’m so excited to share November’s wallpaper and printable! I have been inspired by all the leaves falling around our town and everywhere we go. We have lived in Washington for 2 years now and this time of year is beautiful. We live in a small town, but it takes about 25 minutes to get to Tacoma or Olympia and we have to drive through “forest-y” roads to get there and I love seeing all the colors on the trees as we drive by. I hope you are all enjoying the pretty Fall changes and some color temps!


Calendar | Quote


Calendar | Quote


Calendar| Quote

October Wallpaper + Printables


Who’s ready for the holidays to commence? The 1st of October means, to me at least, that the beginning of the holidays are finally about to start! I remember thinking last year I was just ready for them to end, but it’s amazing how another year flies by and I’m ready to get back into the holiday spirit!

This month’s wallpaper is a tad bit difference as I’ve added a Halloween Countdown Printable into the mix! You can print it out, frame it and use a chalk paint marker to write the remaining days until Halloween. My kids are so excited to dress up, our second kid can hardly contain his enthusiasm. We purchased Danny’s costume at the beginning of September (at little too early, right?) but we couldn’t pass it up since it was the costume he really wanted and we just wanted to get it out of the way. Our kids are going to be “what they want to be when they grow up” costumes. JD is going to be a baseball player, Danny will be a pilot, and Riley will be Doc McStuffins (a cuter version of a doctor). My husband has had their careers all lined up even before they were born, it is insane but somehow it has managed to work for the first two!! We’ll see how Riley feels in a couple of years.

Hopefully, these wallpapers + printables will get you into the Halloween spirit of things! Enjoy the month of October!


Spider: Calendar or Quote | Ghost: Calendar or Quote


Spider: Calendar or Quote | Ghost: Calendar or Quote


Spider: Calendar, Quote or Countdown | Ghost: Calendar, Quote or Countdown



September Wallpaper Calendar & Quote


I know we’re still technically in the Summer season when we hit September, but in all fairness Fall does begin later in the month, and I am ready for some Fall. I am not a hot weather person, although I’m not a cold weather person either, but if I had to choose I would definitely prefer the Fall season over any other time of the year. 🙂

Since Fall is on my mind, I was inspired by it for this month’s wallpaper and printable! I took one of my favorite designs from the 2018 Printable Calendar, and changed up the colors to represent Fall, and I love it! Anyone else ready for some cooler temps?

September Desktop 2017 Calendar

Download September 2017 Desktop Calendar

September Desktop Hello Fall

Download Desktop “Hello Fall” Wallpaper

September Calendar 2017 Phone Wallpaper


Hello Fall Phone Wallpaper

Download Wallpaper for Smartphone Below:

September 2017 Calendar (Maroon) | “Hello Fall” (Maroon)

September 2017 Calendar (White) | “Hello Fall” (White)

Download 8×10 September Printable Below:

September 2017 Calendar (Maroon) | “Hello Fall” (Maroon)

September 2017 Calendar (White) | “Hello Fall” (White)

August Wallpaper Calendar & Quote

August 2017 Monthly Calendar & Quote

Since it’s the last official month of Summer, I had to throw in some popsicles for this month’s wallpaper. I cannot believe that we are already into the month of August and slowly starting to get ready for school to begin. Luckily for my kids, school doesn’t start until the day after Labor Day so we have 1 full month of summer left to play.

As hard as it is sometimes to have all 3 kids home with me, I have also enjoyed having the chance to play with all 3 kiddos and do fun things with all of them! We have gotten almost all of our Summer Bingo activities done already and have gotten at least 3 bingos! If you haven’t seen the Summer Activity Bingo Printable yet, check it out here!

Hope you’re all enjoying your summer! Now grab your colorful and fun wallpaper for the month!

August Monthly Calendar Desktop

Download the August Monthly Calendar – Desktop Wallpaper

August Monthly Quote Desktop

Download the August Quote – Desktop Wallpaper

August Monthly Calendar Phone

Download the Smartphone August Calendar

August Wall Paper Phone Quote.jpg

Download the Smartphone Wallpaper quote

Printable Popsicle Wallpaper

8.5×11 Printable Quote (Pink Background) 

8.5×11 Printable Quote (White Background)

Printable Popsicle Wallpaper Calendar

8.5×11 Printable August 2017 Calendar (Pink Background)

8.5×11 Printable August 2017 Calendar (White Background)

July Wallpaper Calendar & Quote

I’m a few days behind with my monthly calendar, but I’ve finally got it ready! We’re going to Hawaii in about a week and I’ve got Island fever on my mind, hence the theme for this month’s calendar. Save this wallpaper on your desktop, smart phone or print it out on an 8.5×11 piece of paper to hang in your home or office.

A reader requested that if there could be the option of both a calendar & a quote to choose from, so the quote I’m going with today is simple and short, but in many ways powerful. I hope this helps remind you during those times you need it most to stand tall!

Calendar: Desktop | Smartphone | 8.5×11 Print

Quote: Desktop | Smartphone | 8.5×11 Print


June 2017 Wallpaper + Printable


As each month passes, I can’t believe how fast another one has gone by! We are approaching summer break and I can’t wait for some fun in the sun with my kiddos. Our first summer in Washington I was pregnant and always working. Now that I’m not doing either, I’ve been dying to explore the state of Washington! I’m looking forward to more hikes, exploring the Northwest Beaches (even if they are rocky), water fun, parks and so much more!

I kind of fell in love with this wallpaper, so hopefully you will too! I’ve made one for your desktop, smartphone & one for you to print out. Can you tell that I’m excited about summer yet? 🙂 Hopefully this fills up your space with lots of color and gets you in the spirit of Summer.

June 2017 Desktop Calendar

Download the June 2017 Wallpaper: Desktop | Smartphone | Printable

May 2017 Desktop Calendar

May Desktop Calendar Download

Washington was nothing but rain in April – apparently we’ve hit a record of the most rain that the state has had in a long time, so I’m so glad it’s finally May! I’m looking forward to less rain and nice, warm, sunny days (hopefully to come soon!) I’m also looking forward to (and a little nervous about) school coming to an end! Hopefully the kiddos and I will have some lazy mornings, fun adventures, and some fun in the sun. Now, the only problem with school being out is having all 3 of the kids at home…. dun dun dun.

Anyway, here is another monthly Desktop Calendar for you to add some style to your computer! Hope you’re all getting some sunshine in your area. 🙂

May Desktop Calendar 2017

Grab your May 2017 Desktop Calendar Here!

Looking for a printable calendar for 2017? Grab yours here!

Check out the 2017 Yearly Calendar in this style in the shop!

April 2017 Desktop Calendar

April Desktop Calendar

There are times where I am stuck and can not come up with something to design or just can’t think up what I’m going to do next. I recently received an e-mail from a reader asking if I would do a wallpaper calendar or quote for computers. This was such a great idea, I was so excited to start creating and ended up turning it into a calendar and a quote. I plan on having new designs every month, and will do my best to get a new design out a couple days before the month ends, so make sure you check back for next month’s!

I’m always looking for new ideas, so if you don’t see something on my blog that you’re looking for, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do!

Monthly April Desktop Calendar 2017

Grab your April Desktop Calendar HERE!

Looking for a printable calendar for 2017? Grab yours here!