The night before Christmas gift tradition is one that is popular in many homes. These “Night Before Christmas” gift tags will help you remember which gifts can be open before Christmas!

Growing up, my parents let us chose one gift we could open the night before Christmas. I loved this tradition and I’m glad it was something my husband’s family did as well. Their tradition was the “Night Before Christmas” pajamas, and we’ve stuck with that since we’ve been married. I love it and it’s something my kids look forward to every Christmas. We’ve done matching pajamas, themed pajamas, cozy pajamas, you name it! While they may know that they’re going to be opening a set of pajamas the night before Christmas, there’s still an element of surprise, and it’s one more sleep until Christmas!

If you ever have the problem of misplacing those gifts under the tree or forget which gifts are supposed to be open the day before, these gift tags are the perfect solution! Simply cut out the printable, and tape them onto the gift, or use a hole puncher at the top of the tag and tie it with ribbon. These will be a life saver when you’re searching for those gifts the night before!