I’ve been asked to help out with Personal Progress in the Young Women program of our church. We have a Beehive who is still pretty new to Young Women, and I’ve been trying to come up with ways to help her with completing Personal Progress. Everybody is different, but I’ve finally come up with some ways that I hope will help her, and some of the other Young Women in your ward. I’ve made 3 different Personal Progress Organization Printables that you can print out whenever you need.
This first printable is for the girls to plan out what Value Experiences and Value Projects they would like to work on throughout the year. The Personal Progress book recommends that the girls “complete at least one experience a month and one project every six months” (Personal Progress p. 9). I added a few more Value Experience spaces in case your girls want to get their personal progress done quickly. It’s a great way for your girls to have a long term goal on what they’d like to accomplish for their Personal Progress over the year and be able to see what they need to be working on each month. The best part, this printable is good every year and any year!
Download your “Personal Progress Long Term Goals” here.
This next printable will help your girls plan out the Value Experience they want to work on now. The top line underneath “Value Experience” is for your girls to write down the Value and the Number they are going to be working on. For example, “Faith #1.” When your girls are ready to start a Value Experience, all they need to do is look over the requirements and write down in the designated spaces what they need to do for that Experience. Then they can check off the boxes next to them as they complete each task.
Download your Value Experience Printables here
Last, but not least is the Value Project. Just like the Value Experience Printable, your girls will write down the Value Project they are working on in the top line. Under “Prep,” your girls can write down all the things they need to do before they get started (if they need to). And, in the “Tasks” section, the girls can write out the things they need to do in order to complete their project and plan out how much time they think they’re going to spend under “Expected Amt of Time,” and then record how much time each task took under “Completed Time” to help them keep track of how long their project took.
Download your Value Project Printable here.
I’m giving my Beehive a Journal and a Weekly Planner to hopefully get her more excited about Personal Progress. I hope this helps you and your Young Women! Please let me know if you have any questions.