I recently got called to be the 1st counselor of the Young Women’s program in our ward (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), and I’m so excited!! I’m giving the lesson tomorrow on “What do we know about the nature of the Godhead” and I thought I’d share the handouts I’ve made for the girls. I hope this helps with your lesson and will help your girls understand the importance of the Godhead.
Scripture Handout (3×5 when folded over) – download here
Perfect for keeping in your scriptures.
Note: I was originally planning on having the quote by Jefferey R. Holland and the scripture handout be back to back, but for some reason when I converted it into a PDF it was off the alignment. I resolved to printing them side by side so you can fold it over like a book and maybe have the girls write some notes on the blank side, or you can laminate them together so you have them back to back. Any advice on how to get it to print back to back while converting it file to a PDF from Illustrator would be greatly appreciated!!!
1st Article of Faith 5×7 – download here
I was just called as the 1st counselor as well — my first time working with the Young Women. Thank you for the great handouts! They will be perfect for my first lesson. 🙂
Happy to share them! 🙂
thank you so much! i shared these here : http://fr.pinterest.com/lemondedis/from-the-bible/